Helpful Links

Dogs that generally do well with people suffering from allergies.

American Kennel Club
Search breeds and other information about the AKC breeds.

Dog Parks Do's & Don'ts
A link (forwarded by The Dog Training Company) with some good basic info on Doggy Park manners and cautions

Pet Obesity Prevention
Help your pet live an extra 2 1/2 years! Also lower their risk for high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, osteoarthritis, and cruciate injuries!. Over 55% of dogs in the United States are overweight or obese.

Save a pet from a shelter
Just enter your zip code and or town...and a list of local shelters will pop up

American Association of Feline Practitioners
The FelineVMA is like the American Medical Association for cat doctors, and has lots of good information regarding feline health.

Cat Health Info Center
Educating our meow masters in a fun way to make sure that we are "giving cats their fair share of health care". Sponsored by the Morris Animal Foundation.

Cat Videos
How to medicate a cat (pills or liquid), trim their nails, take their temperature, brush their teeth, care for diabetics,...and live to tell about it!!

Do you have a kitty that you think is just a Fabby Tabby? Then check out this website with all sorts of information from the International Cat Care website.

Indoor Cat Initiative
Why cats are so unique, how to set up your home and prevent problems, and how to take care of problems such as: cat urine, introducing new cats, managing conflict between cats, and more...

Pet Obesity Prevention
Help your pet live an extra 2 1/2 years! Also lower their risk for Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease, osteoarthritis. Approximately 54% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese.

Save a pet from a shelter
Just enter your zip code and or town...and a list of local shelters will pop up

Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement
We have all experienced the pain of losing a pet. The Association of Pet Loss and Bereavement has set up this site for support during this most difficult time. You will find inspirational stories, grief counseling resources, hotline number and many other resources.

Pet Loss Grief Support
Personal support, thoughtful advice, candle ceremonies, tribute pages, healing poetry.

Pet Loss Support
Ten Tips on Coping with Pet Loss, Bereavement studies, literature...

Rainbow Bridge
Anyone who has ever lost a pet should visit this wonderful site. It is a terrific tribute to our lost family members.

Kurt Schroeder 1-877-500-BARK (2275)

Canine Liaisons Behavior & Training Service
Jeanie Tomaselli 215-802-6023

Companion Animal Parasite Council
This website will answer your questions regarding Fleas, Ticks, Intestinal Parasites, Ear/Skin mites, and Heartworms...sounds a lot like an episode of "Fear Factor"!!

Heartworm Society
Everything you ever wanted to know about heartworm disease can be found here!

National Animal Poison Control Center
This is the website of the National Animal Poison Control Center. It includes a library, links to other sites, and phone numbers for the poison control center.

Plants Toxic to Animals
A lot of information about toxic plants can be found here. You can search under common name or scientific name of the plant.

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
The USDA maintains this website with information on a variety of animal health related topics, including the latest news on such things as Mad Cow Diseases, foot and mouth disease, and many other things.

West Nile Virus (via CDC)
This site is maintained by the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, and has the latest information on the spread of West Nile Virus in the US, as well as information on disease transmission, symptoms, etc.

Humane Society Dog Training Tips
Basic handouts from the Humane Society of the United States are located here.

Veterinary Partner- Behavior library
Why do your pets do what they do and what can you do about it? Check out advice and ideas from our veterinarians and other experts on animal behavior!